

Game title Rating Size
Mike AJ (1991) 4,3 2.2MB
Blondie And Dagwood, Arkanoid, Prince Of The Yolk Folk (199x) 4,4 220.9KB
Driver Icons (1995) (Saturn Software) 4,4 11.5KB
KEdisk (19xx) 4,5 276.7KB
WOP Gamma (1998) (Andrew Fish) 4,3 49.5KB
Mouse Flash 1.1 For MDOS (19xx) 4,4 82.5KB
Sam Paper Magazine (19xx) 4,9 755.7KB
Colour Clipart Samples (Nov 1995) (Steve's Software) 4,0 284.9KB
E-Tunes Player (19xx) (Andrew Collier) 4,2 48.3KB
H-DOS HD Loader (1996) 4,0 36.3KB
Visually (19xx) (Zenith Graphics) 4,1 1.1MB
Fredatives 3 (1992) 4,3 127.0KB
Sam Prime (19xx) 4,4 256.1KB
Sam Demo Disk (1990) 4,6 247.9KB
SamCo News Disk (1992) 4,7 1.2MB
Spectrum 128 - Myth And Escape From Singe's Castle (19xx) 4,6 122.2KB
Dino Sourcerer (1993) (Softdisk Inc.) 4,6 43.1KB
GM-Calc (19xx) (GM Software) 4,5 24.8KB
EXPLOSION (1996) 4,2 9.2MB
Source Code Samples (1990) (Chris White) 4,6 143.1KB